Shri Sadguru Saibaba Science & Commerce College, Ashti
Minutes of the IQAC
Academic Session 2015-2016
1. NAAC status in the college
2. To purchase library books, laboratory equipment, sports, Furniture and computers.
3. Beautification of the garden and campus.
4. To send two faculty members every year for orientation and Refresher courses
5. Te encourage the faculty to attend seminars, workshops and conferences and present
Research papers
6. To extend library service to old students, teachers and retired Govt. servants.
The chairman and IQAC co-ordinator had read the reports of previous meetings and approved it. The respected chairman approved the bill to purchase library books, laboratory equipment’s and material, sports material and furniture, add to add more computers. He decided to beautify the garden and campus. The permission on any topic has been granted by the chairman only. He discusses the issues for NAAC status in the college as well as the progress of given work to the staff and members of IQAC. The respected chairman and the IQAC co-ordinator sends two faculty members every year for the orientation programs and the Refresher courses. He only the chairman uplifts and motivates the faculty to attend seminars, workshops and conference and research papers, and also extends library service to old student and retired Government servants as well as research students and teachers.
IQAC committee
2. Prof. P. B. Gohane
3. Dr. P. K. Singh
4. Dr. Pradeep Kashyap
Shri Sadguru Saibaba Science & Commerce College, Ashti
Minutes of the IQAC
Academic Session 2016-2017
1. Planning for the academic session 2016-2017
2. To discuss the about the meeting held in Gondwana university Gadchiroli regarding
Accreditation of NAAC
3. To discuss the status of NAAC in the college
4. To organize the Alumni meeting in the college
5. Purchase of Xerox machine
The chairman had to confirm and approved the minutes of the last meeting. Gondwana University, The meeting held was regarding accreditation and reaccredidation from NAAC. He discusses the issues for NAAC status in the college, & also discusses the planning for the session 2016-2017
The respected chairman promoted the faculty for faculty development program as well as, organizes the annual cultural function and sports in the college for the encouragement of the student towards sports. He discusses the processes of self study report (SSR) & also discuss the activity of the Alumni Meeting in the college as well as approved the bill of purchase of Xerox machine.
IQAC committee
1Shri S. R.Munghate :-President, Shri Saibaba Gramin Vikas Sanstha Gadchiroli
2.Dr. A. S. Margonwar :- Principal, Shri Sadguru Saibaba Science &Comm.College, Ashti
3.Dr. Pankaj R. Chavhan :-IQAC Co-ordinate
4.Teacher Representative:- 1. Dr. G. S. Tomar
2. Prof. R. H. Sontakke
3. Dr. P. K. Singh
4. Dr. Pradeep Kashyap
5. Dr. M. P. Singh
5.Non-Teaching staff Representative :- Shri Ravindra G. Zade
Shri Sadguru Saibaba Science & Commerce College, Ashti
Minutes of the IQAC
Academic Session 2017-2018
1.Discuss the NAAC status in the college
2.Discuss the varius aspect of new Accreditation system of NAAC
The chairman & the IQAC co-ordinator has confirmed the minutes of last meeting. The respected chairman only discuses the issue of NAAC status and about SSR in the college as well as discuses the various aspects of new system of NAAC, accreditation. He also discusses for the new academic session 2017-18.
IQAC committee
1Shri S. R.Munghate:-President, Shri Saibaba Gramin Vikas Sanstha Gadchiroli
2. Dr. A. S. Margonwar :- Principal, Shri Sadguru Saibaba Science& Comm. College, Ashti
3. Dr. Pankaj R. Chavhan:-IQAC Co-ordinator
4. Teacher Representative:- 1. Dr. G. S. Tomar
2. Prof. R. H. Sontakke
3. Dr. P. K. Singh
4. Dr. Pradeep Kashyap
5. Dr. M. P. Singh
5.Non-Teaching staff Representative :- Shri Ravindra G. Zade
Maharashtra, INDIA-442707 .
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